In Years 3 to 6, we build on our early years’ curriculum, preparing students for Secondary schooling through developing greater responsibility and love for their learning. Students are provided with the opportunity to explore, investigate, discover, create and consolidate their developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes.
From Year 3 to 6 there is an ongoing focus on developing high standards in English and Mathematics. Our Reading Workshop approach ensures students extend and maintain their love of reading, resulting in greater independence and reading stamina. Writing lessons at BGS provide a creative context and engaging framework for students to learn the craft of writing through the use of the Talk for Writing approach.
Awarded Active Maths Status by the Mathematics Association of Victoria, our lessons are engaging whilst targeting specific developmentally appropriate skills. Staff are trained by respected industry professionals who maintain an ongoing relationship with the school.
Our wellbeing curriculum continues to provide students with opportunities to develop their social and emotional skills through Circle Time, Restorative Practices and the broadening of our Active Community Program.
Digital literacy is essential for success in the 21st century. Students are engaged in programs that promote critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration through the use of technology.
Performing Arts provides opportunities in Media, Drama and Music culminating in the Year 6 Shakespeare production.
Global Citizenship is fostered through learning both the French and Japanese languages in addition to the study of the cultures of Australia’s near neighbours.
Physical Education is part of a holistic Wellbeing program and the curriculum is designed to foster enjoyment in physical activity thus promoting life long active citizens. Students are able to compete at School, Interschool, District and Zone levels in a number of sports.
Students are well prepared for a smooth transition into Year 7 through our carefully planned wellbeing curriculum which fosters the growth of confidence, resilience and inclusion.